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Episode 01 - Chapter 13 - Canto on Kishkinta.

Chapter 13 - Canto on Kishkinta (கிட்கிந்தா படலம் )



Perturbed and upset that there was no sign of Sugreeva, nor his mobilizing his troops (for setting up the search for Sita) as promised, Rama bade Lakshmana to go to Kishkinta and see Sugreeva – ascertain what this delay was all about and what were his intentions.


'பெறல் அருந் திருப் பெற்று, உதவிப் பெருந்

திறம் நினைந்திலன்; சீர்மையின் தீர்ந்தனன்;

அறம் மறந்தனன்; அன்பு கிடக்க, நம்

மறன் அறிந்திலன்; வாழ்வின் மயங்கினான்.


Sugreeva secured, through our intervention, the supreme wealth (of Kishkinta’s crown); but he did not seem to be mindful of our help that placed him where he was. He seems to have faltered in his promise. He seems to have faltered in his dharma of gratitude. Leave aside his affection for us or his gratitude for what we had done for him; he does not seem to remember what our prowess is. He seems to have lost his mind in his indulgence with his new-found wealth and pleasures.”


The context is that Rama bade Sugreeva to come back after four months (of intervening rainy season), come with his troops, in order that the search for Sita could be initiated without further loss of time. “அரசியற்கு உரிய யாவும் ஆற்றுழி ஆற்றி, ஆன்ற திரைசெயற்கு உரிய சேனைக் கடலொடும் திங்கள் நான்கின் விரசுக, என்பால்; நின்னை வேண்டினென், வீர! ‘


Those four months are well past. There was no sign of Sugreeva. There was no sign of any mobilization.


Rama instructed Lakshmana to remind Sugreeva thus:


''வெம்பு கண்டகர் விண் புக வேர் அறுத்து,

இம்பர் நல் அறம் செய்ய எடுத்த விற்

கொம்பும் உண்டு; அருங் கூற்றமும் உண்டு; உங்கள்

அம்பும் உண்டு'' என்று சொல்லு, நம் ஆணையே.


Tell Sugreeva this: “We have a punishing bow that shall destroy evil people that make (other hearts burn); we have the God of Death (with us); there are darts that shall not hesitate to finish all of you, as well.”


'நஞ்சம் அன்னவரை நலிந்தால், அது

வஞ்சம் அன்று; மனு வழக்கு ஆதலால்,

அஞ்சில், ஐம்பதில், ஒன்று அறியாதவன்

நெஞ்சில் நின்று நிலாவ, நிறுத்துவாய்.


It is Manu’s dictum: it is not a vengeful sin to kill those who are evil like poison. You instil that message deeply in the mind of Sugreeva who seems to be uneducated – either in his fifth year or in his fiftieth year – of what is right and what is not.” அஞ்சில், ஐம்பதில், ஒன்று அறியாதவன் = Allegory: Sugreeva is incapable of acquiring knowledge – age being immaterial.


Here is the ultimatum which brooks no room for speculation or interpretation:


  ''ஊரும், ஆளும், அரசும், உம் சுற்றமும்,

நீரும் ஆளுதிரேஎனின், நேர்ந்த நாள்

வாரும்; வாரலிர் ஆம் எனின், வானரப்

பேரும் மாளும்'' எனும் பொருள் பேசுவாய்.


Carry this clear message to him: If you wish to keep your crown, your retinue, your territory and continue to reign over them, you better keep your word and come with your promised assignment in the designated time. OR ELSE! The word “vanara” would go missing from this world; shall be done with.”


Lakshmana sets forth, post-haste. Kamban likens his speed in this venture to the force of the dart from Rama’s bow that pierced through the seven huge ‘mara” trees.


வெம்பு கானிடைப் போகின்ற வேகத்தால்,

உம்பர் தோறும் மராமரத்து ஊடு செல்

அம்பு போன்றனன், அன்று - அடல் வாலிதன்

தம்பிமேல் செலும்  மானவன் தம்பியே.


As Lakshmana set forth through the harsh forests, Kishkintawards, to meet Sugreeva, his speed and fearful intent resembled those of the dart from Rama’s bow that pierced through the sky-reaching seven mara trees.


Sugreeva, inebriated with all the indulgences he could command, was found in a mentally disheveled condition.

தித்தியாநின்ற செங் கிடை வாய்ச்சியர்

முத்த வாள் நகை முள் எயிற்று ஊறு தேன்,

பித்தும், மாலும், பிறவும், பெருக்கலால்,

மத்த  வாரணம் என்ன மயங்கினான்;


Drunk with the intoxicating secretions from the mouths of alluring young women around him, Sugreeva was wholly lost in that indulgence; he was overwhelmed by the attendant attribute of Thamasa Guna – lust, arrogance, forgetfulness, fatigue and sleep. He resembled an elephant completely in the grip of ‘must’, with no hold on his faculties.”


Angada rushes to Sugreeva and announces the arrival of a visibly angry Lakshmana in the precincts of Kishkinta:


'எந்தை! கேள்: அவ் இராமற்கு இளையவன்,

சிந்தையுள் நெடுஞ் சீற்றம் திரு முகம்

தந்து அளிப்ப, தடுப்ப அரும் வேகத்தன்

வந்தனன்; உன் மனக் கருத்து யாது?' என்றான்.


Oh! Father! Lakshmana, the brother of Rama, with an uncontrolled anger reflecting on his face, had arrived around our precincts: what would you wish to do?”


Sugreeva is not in a condition to receive this message nor respond to it. He lay inebriated.


Angada then rushes to Hanuman. The two of them then went to Thaara’s chambers and sought her counsel.

Thaara spake thus:

'திறம்பினீர் மெய்; சிதைத்தீர் உதவியை;

நிறம் பொலீர்; உங்கள் தீவினை நேர்ந்ததால்,

மறம் செய்வான் உறின், மாளுதிர்; மற்று இனிப்

புறஞ்செய்து ஆவது என்?' என்கின்ற போதின்வாய்,


You broke your own promise. You forgot the great favour that Rama granted you. You had become wicked. As your evil karma comes into the reckoning, those two peerless warriors shall destroy (all of you) should they choose so. What could be done now?” – These were harsh and helpless words from Thaara to the duo.


The vanaras, losing any hope of making up or pacifying Rama and Lakshmana, seemed resigned for the worst eventuality and began securing the gates and other thoroughfares to Kishkinta with rocks and other blocks.


Lakshmana, fired with anger and ridiculing this laughable effort of the vanaras, kicked the doorway


காவல் மா மதிலும், கதவும், கடி

மேவும் வாயில் அடுக்கிய வெற்பொடும்,

தேவு சேவடி தீண்டலும், தீண்ட அரும்

பாவம் ஆம் என, பற்று அழிந்து இற்றவால்.


The ramparts and the secured entry-gates, together with the huge rocks used as barricade  for preventing entry by Lakshmana, were smashed into smithereens – like the accumulated sins of a soul being erased totally with the touch of the divine feet of the godly Lakshmana.”


The vanaras fled Kishkinta in panic.


As Lakshmana walked into Kishkinta through the breach, still smoldering with anger, Hanuman evolves a way to stop him in his tracks, before he could cause irreversible damage to the kingdom – he advises Thaara and her lady-courtiers to emerge into Lakshmana’s path and confront him:


அனையன் உள்ளமும் - ஆய்வளையாய்! - அலர்

மனையின் வாயில் வழியினை மாற்றினால்,

நினையும்; வீரன் அந் நீள் நெறி நோக்கலன்;

வினையம் ஈது என்று அனுமன் விளம்பினான்.


Hanuman advised Thaara: “If you go and confront Lakshmana in front of Sugreeva’s palace, Lakshmana, bashful in front of women,  would pause in his wrathful mood and would start briefing you about why he was in Kishkinta. (When Lakshmana’s mind is thus known, the Kishkinta council could then get hold of what could be done.)


Interlocution between Lakshmana and Thaara and then on with Hanuman - next week.







Thara, accompanied by her courtiers, puts on the appearance of a motherly widow – quite sure she would be invoking in Lakshmana thoughts of his own mother – widowed – and make further commiserating with him that much more comfortable. It seems to have worked superbly.


மங்கல அணியை நீக்கி, மணி அணி துறந்து, வாசக்

கொங்கு அலர் கோதை மாற்றி, குங்குமம் சாந்தம் கொட்டாப்

பொங்கு வெம் முலைகள், பூகக் கழுத்தோடு மறையப் போர்த்த

நங்கையைக் கண்ட வள்ளல், நயனங்கள் பனிப்ப நைந்தான்.


Kamban says that Thaara removed her mangal sutra (மங்கல அணிதாலி), avoided all flashy decorative appurtenances that a queen would normally sport, covered her bosom carefully and stood in front of Lakshmana. Lakshmana, (bashfully) looking at her, was tear-filled and became an emotional jelly (as she brought before him a mother figure and he could not resist thinking about his own mother and her fate on losing her husband, Dasaratha.)


Sage Valmiki presents Thaara in this scene, as an enchantress:


प्रलंब कांची गुण हेम सूत्रा |

सलक्षणा लक्ष्मण संनिधानम्

जगाम तारा नमित अंग यष्टिः ||


saa praskhala.ntii mada vihvala akshii

pralaMba kaa.ncii guNa hema suutraa |

salakshaNaa lakshmaNa saMnidhaanam

jagaama taaraa namita a.nga yaShTiH


mada vihvala akshii = tipsily, flustering, eyed one – “tipsy”: was it a put up one or was she intoxicated, having been in the company of Sugreeva?


Exquisitely featured Tara went to the proximity of Lakshmana with a swaying gait, tipsily flustering eyes, strings of golden garlands dangling, and with a body humbly bent.


Kamban pictures the bashful, almost embarrassed, Lakshmana, confronted by that large bevy of lovely women headed by the somber-looking Thaara;


வேல் கண், வில் புருவம் போர்ப்ப, மடந்தையர் மிடைந்த போது,

பேர்க்க அருஞ்சீற்றம் பேர, முகம் பெயர்த்து ஒதுங்கி, பின்னர்ப்

பார்க்கவும் அஞ்சினான்,


The lovely damsels, with their spear-like eyes contoured by the lovely bow-like brows, nearly surrounded Lakshmana, looking intently at him; embarrassed and feeling out of place, he, fearing to look up at them, averted their look.


தாமரை வதனம் சாய்த்து, தனுநெடுந் தரையின் ஊன்றி,

மாமியர் குழுவின் வந்தான் ஆம் என, மைந்தன் நிற்ப,


Here is Lakshmana’s pose: with his lotus-like commanding face hung (to Mother Earth), with the hand-held bow fixed to the ground, he resembled a bridegroom in the midst of numerous and lovely lAadies-in-law. (We recall from the canto on (Rama) viewing of ornaments (of Sita) கலன் காண் படலம் earlier in this Khanda, that Lakshmana could identify only Sita’s anklets – having never raised his eye-level above Sita’s feet. As we savour these attributes of the younger one இளையாழ்வான், we tend to wonder whether this one is really not one of the highly under-rated and discriminatedly unsung heros of this great epic.)


Lakshmana simmers down on seeing Thaara in that condition, his thoughts going back to his own mother, Sumitra. He tells Thaara the mission on which he was here:


''சேனையும் யானும் தேடித்  தேவியைத் தருவென்'' என்று,

மானவற்கு உரைத்த மாற்றம் மறந்தனன், அருக்கன் மைந்தன்;

''ஆனவன் அமைதி வல்லை அறி'' என, அருளின் வந்தேன்;

மேல் நிலை அனையான் செய்கை விளைந்தவா விளம்புக!' என்றான்.


Sugreeva had forgotten the word he had given to Rama, - மானவற்கு descendant of Manu – that he and his army (of vanaras) would find Sita for him. ‘Go and find out his circumstances’.” was Rama’s command. I am here on that errand. Please tell me how Sugreeva’s (apparently inconsistent) attitude after having secured the Kishkinta crown. (Implied is the barb that the crown accrued to Sugreeva – courtesy Rama – a gesture not something that Sugreeva could forget so soon and so easily.)


 Thaara responds to Lakshmana:


'செம்மை சேர் உள்ளத்தீர்கள் செய்த பேர் உதவி தீரா;

வெம்மை சேர் பகையும் மாற்றி, அரசு வீற்றிருக்கவீட்டீர்;

உம்மையே இகழ்வர் என்னின், எளிமையாய் ஒழிவது ஒன்றோ?

இம்மையே வறுமை எய்தி, இருமையும் இழப்பர் அன்றே?'


With your great benevolent mind, you had granted to Sugreeva a favour that he could never forget – by eliminating an insurmountable adversity – Vaali – and letting him secure the crown. If those (i.e. Sugreeva) who are beneficiaries of your generosity would forget and forsake you, would that sin just destroy any semblance of honour to them, but would fetch penury in this life and also lose any hope of deliverance in the next birth.” (Interesting that Thaara now speaks of Vaali in such distant terms – seemingly alien to her profuse laments when she saw the fallen Vaali, struck with Rama’s dart. Was she now more beholden to Sugreeva and had to suppress her long time love for Vaali and the emotional turmoil she went through on his demise? Incidentally, the AAadi Kaavya, as noted earlier and in this canto as well, presents Thaara as a (present) consort of Sugreeva. Kamban affirms that she was placed on a different pedestal – with the stature of a queen mother – by Sugreeva.  Whichever way it is taken, Thaara switching her affections to Sugreeva stacks up strangely with her grief at Vaali’s demise )


ஆண்டு போர் வாலி ஆற்றல் மாற்றியது அம்பு ஒன்று ஆயின்,

வேண்டுமோ, துணையும் நும்பால்வில்லினும் மிக்கது உண்டோ?

தேண்டுவார்த் தேடுகின்றீர், தேவியை; அதனைச் செவ்வே

பூண்டு நின்று உய்தற்பாலார், நும் கழல் புகுந்துளோரும்.'


Looking at the manner in which you vanquished Vaali, you shall not need any help (for destroying Ravana and his troops) – other than your reputed bow. You need, though, help for searching for and finding Sita. Sugreeva and his people have a bounden duty to do that job (searching for and finding Sita) properly.”


Lakshmana tells Thaara that there is a prayaschitta for any other heinous crime, but none for ingratitude.


'சிதைவு அகல் காதல் தாயை, தந்தையை, குருவை, தெய்வப்

பதவி அந்தணரை, ஆவை, பாலரை, பாவைமாரை,

வதை புரிகுநர்க்கும் உண்டாம் மாற்றல் ஆம் ஆற்றல்; மாயா

உதவி கொன்றார்க்கு ஒன்றானும் ஒழிக்கலாம் உபாயம் உண்டோ?'


Even for those who kill their blemish less mother, father, teacher, the ascetically pure Brahmanas, cows, babies and (guileless) women, there are ways of relief from condemnation and hell by prayaschitta; but those guilty of ingratitude, there is none.”


'தேவியைக் குறித்துச் செற்ற சீற்றமும், மானத் தீயும்,

ஆவியைக் குறித்து நின்றது, ஐயனை; அதனைக் கண்டேன்;

கோ இயல் தருமம் நீங்க, கொடுமையோடு உறவு கூடி,

பாவியர்க்கு ஏற்ற செய்கை கருதுவன்; பழியும் பாரேன்.


Lakshmana vows furiously: “The simmering anger from the abduction of Sita and the sense of shame from his having been the (unintentional) cause of it, are torturing Rama. I am witnessing that (all the time.) That tortuous pain of his makes me seek the company of vengefulness and resolve to do even devastating acts befitting the lowly evil souls; I shall not mind the taint and sin accruing from that act of mine.”


நாள் தருக்கிய அரக்கர்தம்மை வாழ்வித்தீர்; இமையோர்க்கு இன்னல்

      வருவித்தீர்; மரபின் தீராக்

கேள்வித் தீயாளர் துன்பம் கிளர்வித்தீர்; பாவம்தன்னை

மூள்வித்தீர்; முனியாதானை முனிவித்தீர், முடிவின்' என்றான்.


By this slovenly indifference, you had granted life to the evil Rakshasas, letting them continue crowing about their might; you had caused increased distress to the Devas. You had added to the grief and pain of the ascetically holy and learned sages. You had added to your own sins. And, in the process, you made Rama, the one that is never ruffled, drive himself into a rage.’


Enjoy the accusatory alliteration – வாழ்வித்தீர் வருவித்தீர் கிளர்வித்தீர் மூள்வித்தீர் concluding with the முனியாதானை முனிவித்தீர் = ‘accomplishing’ the near impossible, enraging the never-ruffled Rama himself.


Thaara, with great presence of mind, finds an explanation that would douse Lakshmana – did she invent this on the spot, at the spur of the moment? Or was this the truth? Let us speculate.


'ஆயிர கோடி தூதர், அரிக் கணம் அழைக்க, ஆணை

போயினர்'; புகுதும் நாளும் புகுந்தது; புகல் புக்கோர்க்குத்

தாயினும் நல்ல நீரே தணிதிரால்; தருமம் அஃதால்;

தீயன செய்யார் ஆயின், யாவரே செறுநர் ஆவார்?


Millions of messengers have been sent out in all directions to mobilise the vanaras; their return is already due; (So), having granted us refuge, like a mother nurses her children, you should quit your rage. That is dharma. When no evil deed is done, how could there be a guilty and punishable entity?”


Hanuman, seeing Lakshmana simmering down, now approaches Lakshmana, still with trepidation and awe. Lakshmana confronts him - அந்தமில் கேள்வி நீயும் அயர்த்தனை ஆகும் அன்றே, முந்திய செய்கை?   - “You, the knowledgeable one! You also forgot your duty?”


Hanuman, still apprehensive, uses his communication skills to inform Lakshmana – picking where Thaara left and corroborating her. 


Hanuman takes credit for the alliance between Rama and Sugreeva here, in his attempt also to take responsibility for resolving the problem confronting the vanaras; ஐய! நும்மோடும் எங்கள் அரிக்குலத்து அரசனோடும் மெய்யுறு கேண்மை ஆகிமேலைநாள் விளைவது ஆன செய்கை, என்செய்கை அன்றோஅன்னது சிதையு மாயின்,

உய்வகை எனக்கும் உண்டோ? – I made this alliance possible in the first place; how would I redeem myself if that is broken?


Hanuman then proceeds to convey what Thaara had already conveyed to Lakshmana:   


'மறந்திலன், கவியின் வேந்தன்; வயப் படை வருவிப்பாரைத்

திறம் திறம் ஏவி, அன்னார் சேர்வது பார்த்துத்  தாழ்த்தான்;

அறம் துணை நுமக்கு உற்றான் தன் வாய்மையை அழிக்கும் ஆயின்,

பிறந்திலன் அன்றோ? ஒன்றோ? நரகமும் பிழைப்பது அன்றால்.


Sugreeva had not forgotten anything; he had sent vanaras in all directions to mobilise the troops. He has been waiting the return of these emissaries. That had caused some delay. Having taken refuge in you and Rama, who epitomize Dharma itself, if he falters, he is as good as not having been born. He is certain to be hell-bound.”


போய பொருள் மனத்து அடைப்பாய் அல்லை;

ஏன்றது முடியேம் என்னின்  இறத்தும்; இத் திறத்துக்கு எல்லாம்

சான்று இனி அறனே;


Please do not hold to heart what has gone by. We shall do what we can. Or else, we shall die. For all these words, the only witness shall be Dharma itself.”


Angada runs up to Sugreeva and announces the arrival of an enraged Lakshmana:


மானவற்கு இளையோன் வந்து உன் வாயிலின் புறத்தான்; சீற்றம்

மீன் உயர் வேலை மேலும் பெரிது; இது விளைந்தது


Lakshmana, the younger brother of Rama, is at your threshold. His anger is greater than the roaring oceans. This is happening right now.”


''இயைந்த நாள் எந்தை, நீ சென்று எய்தலை; செல்வம் எய்தி

வியந்தனை; உதவி கொன்றாய்; மெய் இலை'' என்ன வீங்கி,

உயர்ந்தது சீற்றம்; மற்று, ஈது உற்றது செய்கை; முற்றும்

நயம் தெரி அனுமன் வேண்ட, நல்கினன், நம்மை இன்னும்.


Oh! Father! You did not go (to Rama and Lakshmana) at the time you had promised. You were intoxicated by the newly found pleasures and glory – and the wines. You were ungrateful. You were not truthful. Reasons why Lakshmana’s anger got fed. As it happened thus, Hanuman pleaded with Lakshmana and he, relenting, had spared us.”


'அது பெரிய அறிந்த அன்னை, அன்னவன் சீற்றம் மாற்றி,

''விதி முறை மறந்தான் அல்லன்;   வெஞ் சினச் சேனை வெள்ளம்

கதுமெனக் கொணரும் தூது கல் அதர் செல்ல ஏவி,

எதிர் முறை இருந்தான்'' என்றாள்; இது இங்குப் புகுந்தது' என்றான்.


Thaara, my mother, doused Lakshmana’s anger with sweet pleAadings and informed Lakshmana that you did not really forget his promise to Rama. That you had sent vanara messengers in all directions to assess the troop strength and inform you and are awaiting for these messengers to return. This is what had happened.”


Now Sugreeva faults Angada for not letting him know immediately as Lakshmana was arriving:

Angada is brief and blunt.


உணர்த்தினேன்முன்னர்; நீ அஃது உணர்ந்திலை; உணர்வின் தீர்ந்தாய்;

புணர்ப்பது ஒன்று இன்மை நோக்கி, மாருதிக்கு உரைக்கப் போனேன்;


I did try to inform you immediately. You were not in a condition to receive that information. You were inebriated and mentally vacant. Realising the pointlessness of trying to tell you, I hurried to Hanuman and informed him.”


Sugreeva, realizing what he had done, flagellates himself, blaming the intoxicating spirits for his lapses:


அளித்தவர், அஞ்சும் நெஞ்சின் அடைத்தவர், அறிவில் மூழ்கிக்

குளித்தவர், இன்ப துன்பம் குறைத்தவர், அன்றி, வேரி

ஒளித்தவர் உண்டு, மீண்டு, இவ் உலகு எலாம் உணர ஓடிக்

களித்தவர் எய்தி நின்ற கதி ஒன்று கண்டது உண்டோ?


Only those who protect those entrusted for refuge; those who have conquered the five senses; ones who immerse in the vast and exhilarating sea of knowledge; ones who receive pain and pleasure with equanimity (are bound heavenwards); apart from these, is there any instance of those who drank intoxicating spirits on the sly and then danced around with uncontrolled intoxicated mirth, is there any instance of such lowly people having attained deliverance?”



வஞ்சமும், களவும், பொய்யும், மயக்கமும், மரபு இல் கொட்பும்,

தஞ்சம் என்றாரை நீக்கும் தன்மையும், களிப்பும், தாக்கும்:

கஞ்ச மெல் அணங்கும் தீரும், கள்ளினால்; அருந்தினாரை

நஞ்சமும் கொல்வது அல்லால், நரகினை நல்காது அன்றே?


Here is a comprehensive list of the vices and ills that would seek out and take residence in persons who give in to drinking: vengeful, thieving, lying, mind-blowing intoxication, surrendering trAadition and culture, giving up those entrusted for refuge, merriment conjoined with arrogance; there is more: Sri Maha Lakshmi would desert him for good – when drinking sets in. This is deadly poison that kills. It shall with certainty deliver that person into hell.  -Sugreeva lectures to himself in the course of the self-flagellation.


Resonates with 'துஞ்சினார் செத்தாரின் வேறல்லர் எஞ்ஞான்றும் நஞ்சுண்பார் கள்ளுண் பவர்' - (குறள்)


Sugreeva finally decides to quit drinking – and swears by Sri Rama’s feet!


'ஐய! நான் அஞ்சினேன், இந் நறவினின் அரிய கேடு;

கையினால் அன்றியேயும் கருதுதல் கருமம் அன்றால்;

வெய்யது ஆம் மதுவை இன்னம் விரும்பினேன் என்னில், வீரன்

செய்ய தாமரைகள் அன்ன சேவடி சிதைக்க' என்றான்


Sugreeva promises Angada: Son, now I dread the evil effects of these intoxicating drinks. I shall never ever either touch them or even entertain thoughts about them. If I break this promise, I shall have hurt the lotus feet of Sri Rama – in which I had taken refuge.”


 Sugreeva bade Angada to go and bring Lakshmana into the palace; he himself rises and accompanied by his lAadies and courtiers waits at the fore-court to receive Lakshmana. Kishkinta assumes festive and celebrative colors to receive Lakshmana.  Angada informs Lakshmana that Sugreeva is ready and waiting to receive him.


Lakshmana receives a royal welcome:


அருக்கியம் முதல ஆன அருச்சனைக்கு அமைந்த யாவும்

முருக்கு இதழ் மகளிர் ஏந்த, முரசுஇனம் முகிலின் ஆர்ப்ப,

இருக்குஇனம் முனிவர் ஓத, இசை  திசை அளப்ப, யாணர்த்

திருக் கிளர் செல்வம் நோக்கி, தேவரும் மருளச் சென்றான்.


With material for rituals like Argya held by lovely smiling maidens, with the drums beating like thunder, sages and pundits reciting Rig and other vedhas, with music resonating everywhere, with his (recently acquired) accoutrements of wealth and pomp, Sugreeva went forward to receive Lakshmana – as even the Devas stood above, dumb-struck at this glittering show.” முருக்கு இதழ் மகளிர் = The allegory is that the lips of these young women were coral red, matching the bright red flowers of கல்யாண முருங்கை ( Erythrina variegata) Indian Coral Tree, Lenten tree, Tiger claw.


 As Lakshmana locked his look with Sugreeva, the first impulse was anger; he, with his insight and consciousness, pondering Dharma, doused it. எழுந்தது அவ் வழிச் சீற்றம்; அங்கு அதுதனை தெளிந்த சிந்தையால் ஆற்றினன் தருமத்தின் அமைதி உன்னுவான்.


Lakshmana’s anger is not just contextual; we had found earlier that Lakshmana’s assessment of Sugreeva was that he was neither genuine nor sincere; neither intelligent nor capable. The anger ought to have been founded also on his plight, having to do business with this character, at his brother and Lord’s behest.


The two embrace each other. Sugreeva offers the throne to Lakshmana for him to be seated. Lakshmana duly declines it. It was not just out of modesty. Lakshmana abhors the idea: The one who ought to be reclining in Ayodhya’s palace flower-bed, is resting his head on a bundle of grass. Should I accept this ceremonial seat?


கல் அணை மனத்தினையுடைக் கைகேசியால்

எல் அணை மணிமுடி துறந்த எம்பிரான்

புல் அணை வைக யான் பொன் செய் பூந்தொடர்

மெல் அணை வைகலும் வேண்டுமோ? ‘என்றான்.


Due to the scheme of the rock-hearted Kaikeyi, Rama, my Lord, abdicated the crown and has been resting on beds of grass. Should I rest my frame on the gilded, florally-decorated seat?”


Lakshmana squats on the floor. The assemblage is shocked and pained to see Lakshmana squatting on the floor.


Sugreeva invites Lakshmana to have a bath and have a meal with him. Lakshmana duly declines those offerings as well. Lakshmana tells Sugreeva why.


'வருத்தமும் பழியுமே வயிறு மீக் கொள,

இருத்தும்என்றால், எமக்கு இனியது யாவதோ?

அருத்தி உண்டு ஆயினும், அவலம்தான் தழீஇ

கருத்து வேறு உற்றபின், அமிர்தும் கைக்குமால்'


My stomach is full. Filled with grieving and culpable blame. We are alive with those as fillers. We cannot relish delicacies. When minds are pain-filled, even divine nectar would taste bitter.”


Lakshmana tells Sugreeva when the tasks ahead are accomplished and Sita (and with her their own honour) redeemed, then would be the time for feasting with him.


'மூட்டிய பழி எனும் முரங்கு தீ அவித்து,

ஆட்டின கங்கை நீர் - அரசன் தேவியைக்

காட்டினஎனின் - எமைக் கடலின் ஆர் அமிர்து

ஊட்டினையால்; பிறிது உய்வும் இல்லையால்.


Only after dousing the raging fire of blame (for letting the abduction of Sita happen), after you have found Sita’s whereabouts, you shall have bathed us in the sacred waters of Ganga; you shall have fed us with the divine nectar – only then. Because, then we shall quit grieving.” – The offers to have Lakshmana bathe and then have a meal with him are both answered in this verse.


'பச்சிலை, கிழங்க, காய், பரமன் நுங்கிய

மிச்சிலே நுகர்வது; வேறு நான் ஒன்றும்

நச்சிலேன்; நச்சினேன் ஆயின், நாய் உண்ட

எச்சிலே அது; இதற்க ஐயம் இல்லையால்.'


I partake of the leftovers from Rama’s meal; I take leaves, roots and (raw) vegetables. I had not craved for anything else. If I should, at all, then without a doubt that should be the dog’s remnant meal.”


Kamban reminds us about the spartan life that Lakshmana had assumed for himself – even more harsh and severe than his brother’s. Kaikeyi had ordained ascetic life for Rama in the forests. But Lakshmana had no such mandate. His self-effacing and frighteningly harsh life style was wholly self-imposed.


Sugreeva, after Lakshmana thus spurned any celebrations-laced welcome and hospitality, realizes the gravity and urgency of Lakshmana’s mission and sets forth with his entourage to meet Rama.


Kamban equates Sugreeva with Bharatha – not Lakshmana? Where is fairness?


கவிக்குலத்து அரசன் நாள்தொறும் புண்ணியன் தொழு கழல் பரதன் போன்றனன்.


Rama makes kind enquiries of Sugreeva (having pushed back his unhappiness and disappointment with him) – especially how the governance of Kishkinta was going.

வெயில் இலதே குடை?  Sugreeva responds with sincere politeness and regard for Rama: நின் அருளுடையேற்கு அவை அரியவோ? “Having gained your Grace, how could governance be a burden?”


Sugreeva seeks the pardon of Rama for his misconduct: நீ வருந்தினை இருக்க யான் வாழ்வின் வைகினேன். “When you were worrying and pain-filled here, I was wallowing in royal pleasures.”


Rama, understanding Sugreeva and his plight, quits his unhappiness and anger and motivates him.


Rama enquires of Hanuman. Sugreeva says that Hanuman would come with the army as soon as possible.


Sugreeva seeks Rama’s command, once the vanara armies have been mobilized and set to go. Rama bids him to return after the army is all ready to move.


After Sugreeva and his entourage leave, Lakshmana briefs Rama on what happened when he went to Kishkinta.
